Having infinite awareness leads you to ability to recognise all sorts of scents. You are not afraid of unknown. But do you prefer to die of a broken heart or of boredom? Imagine that you have the capacity to know everything. Would you be able to tell us the notes of OMNISCIENCE Eau de Parfum? Coming in dusty silvery-tea green.
Mossy, earthy, musky.
An oasis of calm, inspired by secluded grove, intoxicating spring fever. Affection. The fragrance that will fade into you. Celebration of life. Obscure but expansive. Everything is about to fall in love, pollen and objects are in motion. Greenery as symbolic repository of secrets. A blend of lupine, primrose, lilac, pear and citrus blossoms, foxglove, chincherinchee, small blue flowers, yuzu and sage. A bit of fragrance clings to the hand that gives flowers.
Floral, citrus, powdery.
Simultaneously extroverted and introverted, chaotically good. Rare symmetry. Balanced proportions. Contradictory on the surface. Bright/ Dark. Are you waiting for moment to change? Because if you are, this Eau de Parfum feels you. Dichotomy marries amber top notes with subtle woody undertones. Set your dreams where nobody hides. Launched in 2022.
Blonde woods, vetiver, opopanax. Genderless, vegan. 79,6% natural.
Kouřové aroma spolu s vůní tající pryskyřice vyvolávají vzpomínky na nejintenzivnější opojení touhou a láskou k představám, které se ukrývají vevnitř. ME QUEMO POR DENTRO je ztělesněním hořícího odrazu v zrcadle.
Absolue poľných ľalií v blízkom vzťahu s malinami vytvárajú protipól k zemitej pačuli a santalovému drevu. Vôni dominuje neroli zbierané za mesačného svitu na tajomnom ostrove, ktorý Oddyseus na svojej ceste obišiel.
Kadidlo v jeho najčistejšej podobe zahalené do závoja z bielej šalvie, odpočívajúce na machovom vankúšiku v tieni cédrového stromu. Pohľad na svet za meandrami divokej vody.
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